Hello all! my name is Roberto Duran I'm a college student and I am a monarchist. I truly believe this party can be big in the future of this country and can lead this country into the right direction .I've recently thought about all the things maybe needed to look over this country .I want to make this party as big as the liberal or the green party if not the democratic and republican parties. These are my thoughts, I am open to criticism since without it we cant grow. If you agree id like to know what parts you agree with and which you don't and why. I Genuinely believe that American politics needs to open itself up to the next generation and I think the first step into that is to open this party to a new audience and demographic. people who are tired of this 2 party system just like me.
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There are some interesting points made in your document though im particularly interested in this part: "Create and merge giant companies worth more than 150 billion into 1 super company under the rule of the government. Allow smaller companies to continue independently." Won't a single giant corporation run by the government be extremely inefficient as this super corporation would have to make anything from smartphones, and cars, and run internet services? Why not allow a corporation that makes 150 billion or more to operate freely and offer its services to whoever wants it rather than forcing all consumers to buy from a giant state-mandated monopoly?