Hello Everybody! I am new here and still looking around the forum so forgive me if this isn't the right place to post this.
I know the UMP is still a relatively new organization and thus I completely understand that it hasn't planned out every last little detail to reform the United States. Still, I was wondering if there was any info on the UMP's potential energy policy. Mostly just wondering if it was more fossil, green, or nuclear-orientated. If there's no info anywhere that's fine, thank you for the help!
I haven't seen any discussion in UMP yet regarding energy policy, but to give my own opinion, I'm all for green energy as long as it can meet or parallel the efficiency of fossil fuels, though I do have some concerns around exactly how clean some of these green energy sources are, at least in their current form. Hydro for example appears to have a detrimental effect on the ecology of the rivers the dams are built on in the long term, and I would also site the Aral Sea as an example of why we should be cautious with regard to damming in particular.
As for nuclear, while the technology is improving, both in regards to energy output and safety, I'm not blind to the inherent dangers that come with the territory, so I think we should maintain the plants we have, but devote more resources to researching fusion reactions as well as nuclear waste recycling and safe disposal. Until we can create sustained fusion reactions in a controlled environment, I'm fine with not constructing any new fission plants.
As for fossil fuels, until something else can meet or parallel it's input to output efficiency it's probably not going anywhere. My main concern with fossil fuels is more centered around it's legal aspects, due to the widespread abuse of imminent domain by energy companies in order to exploit resources on privately owned land without the consent of the owners or residents.
Bear in mind, this is all my personal opinion, and doesn't necessarily reflect the opinions of anyone else in UMP. As far as I can tell, UMP does not currently have any official stance on energy policy, though that may change as time goes on.