- This list is still subject to change -

Congressional Reform
Committed to increasing the membership of the House of Representatives from the current 435 to at least 835 members, potentially 1,665 members
Committed to increasing the membership of the Senate from the current 100 to at least 500 members, potentially 800 members
Committed to overturning the 17th amendment
Committed to reevaluating the role of the Senate in executive appointments
Committed to reforming the length of congressional sessions:
A minimum period of 8 months in continuous session
A maximum period of 9-10 months in continuous session
The enforcement of congressional recess
The limitation of the pro forma session

Committed to overturning the 22nd amendment
Committed to reforming the office of the Presidency into a hereditary monarchy
Creating an executive monarchy not a symbolic monarchy
Having a ceremonial and religious coronation instead of an inauguration
Potential titles the future monarch shall hold: Emperor of America, King of these United States, King of Kings, etc.
Committed to reforming the office of the Vice President into that of the heir apparent
The heir apparent shall preside as Lord President of the Senate from the age of 25 and until they succeed
Potential titles the future heir apparent shall hold: Prince Imperial of America, Grand Prince of New England, etc.
Committed to instituting a system of education and preparation for the next 10 heirs in succession after the heir apparent
Committed to granting 10 reserved seats in the Senate to the most senior members of the imperial dynasty

Creating an American Nobility
Committed to establishing titles of nobility to honor those individuals who have distinguished themselves among their peers or in the service of the United States
Committed to forging an ideal of Noblesse Oblige among the nobility
Committed to the role of the nobility as Stewards:
Advocates and social leaders of our communities
Investors in our communities
Promoters and supporters of local economic development
Informal adjudicators of local disputes
Custodians of our heritage and culture
An intended relationship of reciprocal benefits and obligations
Committed to establishing noble estates that will generate sustainable income
Committed to enfranchising the nobility in the Senate
Each primary noble title will include 1 hereditary seat in the Senate for the holder of that title

Tax Reform
Committed to overturning the 16th amendment
Committed to limiting penalty tax and transitioning to a more equitable tax system
Supportive of the following public revenue sources:
Land Value Tax
Flat Property Tax
Flat Sales Tax
Flat Excise Tax
Opposed to the following public revenue sources:
Individual Income Tax
Corporate Income Tax
Gross Receipts Tax
Wealth Tax
Estate Tax
Payroll Tax

Urban Restoration
Committed to ending suburban sprawl
Committed to encouraging and investing in aesthetically beautiful, architecturally coherent, and organic urbanism
Committed to zoning reform
Mixed-income neighborhoods
Mixed-use zoning
Committed to designing and building on a human scale
Committed to architecture being defined by culture and location
Committed to construction with lasting materials and lasting design
Committed to the reintroduction of craftsmanship in building

Infrastructure & Transportation Reform
Committed to building regional and interconnected High-Speed Rail (HSR) networks across the country
Committed to renovating and rebuilding our damaged and deficient roadways and bridges
Committed to renovating and updating our power grid
Committed to investing in nuclear power and building more power plants
Committed to renovating, rebuilding, and augmenting our freshwater systems

Industrial & Manufacturing Reform
Committed to national protections for local and critical industry and manufacturing
Committed to incentivizing and subsidizing domestic production
Committed to a preference for human workers over automation
Jobs lost to automation should be financially compensated by the company
Financial benefits for companies who maintain a total or nearly total workforce of at least 80% capacity
Committed to at least 10% tariffs on all foreign made manufactures or raw materials
Committed to incentivizing the trades as much as a university degree
Committed to the development and reintroduction of the Guild system

Supporting local Farmers & Agricultural Reform
Committed to subsidizing small holders over industrial scale production
Committed to family-owned over corporate owned
Committed to incentivizing and subsidizing alternatives for chemical fertilizers, soil additives, pesticides, and herbicides
Committed to permaculture and other regenerative farming practices
Committed to crop variety rather than monoculture
Committed to high yield production and surplus that could be donated to food deserts (Farm Surplus Trading)

Supporting Families & Community
Committed to supporting local businesses
Committed to lowering the cost of housing
Committed to lowering the cost of childcare
Committed to lowering the cost of food, gas, electricity, and other necessities
Committed to supporting quality education and teachers
Committed to supporting families, especially young and aspiring families
Committed to supporting mothers and unborn children
Committed to encouraging couples to have multiple children
Committed to encouraging a strong sense of community
Committed to encouraging a sense of or belief in the divine

Healthcare Reform
Committed to lowering the cost of life saving medicines
Committed to lowering the cost of operations
Committed to battling and eliminating chronic diseases at their root
Committed to establishing a system of publicly funded basic healthcare
Committed to incentivizing dietary changes, exercise, or holistic therapies instead of defaulting to drugs
Committed to the removal of psychedelics from DEA schedule 1 classification

Military Reform
Committed to making mass conscription illegal
Committed to rebuilding our armed forces into an elite of full-time professional soldiers
Committed to supporting and encouraging an esprit de corps among our soldiers
Committed to subsidizing medical care for all our veterans
Committed to granting our veterans a house at state expense that is exempt from property tax after 30 years of service
Committed to granting a monthly subsidy of $8,000 to every veteran after 30 years of service
Committed to supporting the immediate families of our fallen soldiers and veterans