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Our Missions and Commitments

Our Missions and Goals: Welcome
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Up-to-Date Mass Transit

It's time we lead the world in mass transit and infrastructure again.


Congressional Reform

Increase the number of House members from 435 to at least 820. Restore the Senate to its original functions and dignity and not merely another populist extension of the House.


Urban Restoration

It's time that suburbia and urban sprawl is put to an end. It dehumanizes the community, its layout and form is arbitrary, repetitive, and unnecessary, with a large negative impact on the surrounding landscape and environment.

Image by Ant Rozetsky

Pro-American Industry and Manufacturing

It's time to reindustrialize our Nation. Our local industries and businesses must come first, and our citizens and communities relationships with them. We have the ability, technology, and plenty of sources of energy to make that a firm reality.


Looking out for American Workers

Fighting for all our workers! For our teachers and tradesmen, for better wages and peace of mind. There should be a fair balance between employees and the employers.

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Community Mindset

No person is an island. None of us alone create the things we buy, or produce the energy we use. We are all part of a larger community, and our actions and government policies should reflect that. Individualism is a good thing, but too much of a good thing can poison us, and hyper-individualism is a poison.


Community Healthcare

We stand united against illness and common hardships we have all experienced. For all that America presents itself to be, a paragon on the world stage, the health and quality of life of our citizens is certainly not as exemplary as it should be.

Image by Glenn Carstens-Peters

Tax Reform

Cutting back on and eventually doing away with penalty taxes (taxes on income, production, sales*, etc.) and potentially shifting towards Land Rents as the main source for public revenue.


Support local Farmers

We shouldn't take our food for granted, we need to remember those whose livelihoods provide us with the meals we eat everyday. We should support them at every step and not leave the small farmer to the vultures.


Farm Surplus Trading

Farmers should be incentivized to produce as much surplus as they can, as efficiently as possible, and with as little negative ecological impact as possible; all of which can be provided to food banks and food "deserts".


Professional American Military

We advocate for the banning of mass armed conscription, and reforming our armed forces to consist of an elite of full-time, careered, and standardized professionals. 
We will stand by our veterans! None of our soldiers should be homeless, in poverty, or suffering from addictions simply to cope with treatable conditions. They sacrificed for us, now we should sacrifice for them.

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The Presidential office has become embroiled in too many controversies and partisan divides. The President is meant to represent the whole USA, but as a politician they are unable to carry out that unifying and impartial function. Our nation is strongly divided on political lines and the way to mitigate this is to remove politics from the Presidential equation.

Our Missions and Goals: What We Do
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