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Mixed Government Proposal

Writer's picture: Austin PomperAustin Pomper

- Austin J. Pomper -

Central Government


Maintain the Bicameral legislature with the House of Representatives and the Senate that comprise the whole Congress

The number of the members of the House shall be increased to between 830 to 1,000 members in total. The current number of 435 was set back in 1929 when the US population was only 121 million people, whereas today our population is over 331 million people, over 2 times as many people. Thus the House should be increased 2 times over, amendments possibly needing to be put in place should the total US population rise so much and thus the house become too large and unwieldy in its current form and operation. The Representatives shall serve a 4-year term, with no limit on the amount of terms they can serve.

The number of Senators will be increased also by one per state, making three Senators per state. How the Senators come to take their seats as well shall be amended; One popularly elected by the citizens of that State, another appointed by the State Legislature to be its ambassador in the Senate, and the last to be appointed by the Governor of that State acting as the ambassador for the whole territory. That Senator appointed by the State’s Governor is obliged to be of the Honored ranks of that Territory. The Senators shall serve a 6-year term, with no limits on the amount of terms they can serve. Divided into three groups with each taking their office in 2-year offset cycles from each other between the beginning and the end of the 6 years.

Sessions of Congress shall run for between 6 to 8 months and one session of Congress shall last no longer than 9 months out of the total solar year. Sessions shall begin on the first of November and shall continue through the first of April, or thus needing an extension to the first of June but continuing on no longer than the first of July.

Congress shall maintain the powers of:

  1. Taxation (grant supply)

  2. Approval or revision of budgets

  3. Borrowing money

  4. Regulate foreign and domestic commerce

  5. Establish uniform naturalization laws

  6. Establish uniform bankruptcy laws

  7. Fix standards of weights and measures

  8. Establish post offices and post roads

  9. Establish inferior courts than that of the Supreme court

  10. To define the laws of piracy and crimes on the high seas, and offences against the laws of Nations

  11. To declare war, grant letters of Marque (Privateering) and Reprisal, and make rules concerning capture on land and water

  12. To support armies, navies, and all armed forces of the US (grant supply)

  13. The creation of standards for leadership and training of both land and naval units

  14. To organize, arm, and discipline the Militia. Reserving to the States the appointment of its officers and of its training according to congressional standards

  15. To draft and pass legislation of a nature that the individual States and local administrations are incompetent and unable to carry out, as well as to maintain harmony and coherence among the States.

  16. To override the refusal of assent by the executive office through a supermajority of two-thirds agreement in both separate Houses of the Congress

Congress shall surrender the powers of:

  1. Judicial approval and executive officer approval, vetting role remains

  2. To coin money, regulate its value and that of foreign coin. (surrendered to a new Public Imperial Bank and Treasury)

  3. To punish counterfeiting of the securities and current coin of the US

  4. To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, securing for limited times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive right to their writings and discoveries

  5. To punish piracy and crimes on the high seas and, offenses against the laws of Nations

  6. To raise armies and navies, and all armed forces of the US

  7. To call forth the Militia, to execute the laws of the nation, to suppress insurrections, and repel invasions

  8. The purchase and establish Forts, Magazines, Arsenals, dockyards, and other needful Buildings.


Maintain the Executive office consisting of a single person

This office shall be reestablished as an Hereditary office in the style of Emperor/Imperator of the United States and King of each State individually

Have the education of the first 10 of the blood in line of succession be studied in various intellectual, useful, and practical subjects. The Study of Law, Government, Diplomacy, History, Politics, Philosophy, Ethics, Logic, Rhetoric, Languages, Economics, Mathematics, Music, Art, Culture, Geometry, Architecture, and Aesthetic; to name just some that should be studied by these future Administrators, Emperors and Empresses in time and by providence.

The Executive shall maintain the powers of:

  1. Commander-in-chief of all armed forces of the US

  2. Negotiate treaties with foreign nations and powers

  3. To appoint Ambassadors

  4. To appoint Judges and Justices

  5. To appoint Executive officers

  6. To create a cabinet and appoint its members

  7. Power of clemency

  8. Receive ambassadors of foreign nations

  9. Creation of government budgets

  10. Creation of legislative plans

  11. Proposal of legislation

  12. Proposal of action

  13. Assent or refusal of legislation with reasoning why

  14. Executive privilege

  15. Executive proclamations/memorandums

  16. Informal communication or meetings

  17. One-on-one meetings or negotiation with congressional members

  18. Use of White house legislation liaison office

  19. Public speaking and engagement

  20. PR

  21. Use of media and other communication to reach out to the citizens

  22. Use of social media

  23. Use of public popularity to sway opinion

The Executive shall gain the powers of:

  1. To punish counterfeiting of the securities and current coin of the US

  2. To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, securing for limited times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive right to their writings and discoveries

  3. To punish piracy and crimes on the high seas and, offenses against the laws of Nations

  4. To raise armies and navies, and all armed forces of the US

  5. To call forth the Militia, to execute the laws of the nation, to suppress insurrections, and repel invasions

  6. The purchase and establish Forts, Magazines, Arsenals, dockyards, and other needful Buildings

  7. To grant warrants and certificates of excellence. Gifting the ability to exclusively supply the executive with their commodities and services, especially during state events, and important occasions.

  8. To grant honors and awards to those who in the eyes of their peers and the nation excelled in the service of the US, granting titles, lands, and land rights towards these individuals in perpetuity. (meritocracy)


Highest court in the nation

Justices appointed by the Executive and serving for life

The tribunal shall consist of 15 Justices and all of them studied in law. Only four needing to be studied in philosophy. Only three needing to be studied in psychology. Only two needing to be studied in humanism. Only one needing to be studied in theology.

The study of law is always proper for a steward of the law and constitution to be versed in.

The study of philosophy being useful for logic and ethics, to work through situations and come to understanding that normal every-day discourse may not penetrate to nor even approach.

The study of psychology is also of nature very useful to apply in this case because of its ways to analyze the argument whilst at the same time provide reasoning for it that may lie beneath the surface, behind how the cases are structured, worded, operated, and emotionally charged in origin, to analyze that very subtle nature of the human being that is not always readily present.

The study of humanism is necessary and useful, that arguments, interpretations, and points of view can be thus presented that argue for the virtues and morals found naturally within the person, that by divine providence and action they need not always be founded, but thus also can operate well and in harmony with philosophy and theology.

The study of theology is useful both in a practical sense but also in a critical sense, knowing the varied interpretation thereof of manifold religious texts, practices, and customs, and when cases thereupon hinge and are set can be approached and systematically addressed and charged.


State Governments


Each state and their people are free to establish a legislative structure as they see fit for their purposes.

The people of said state, as needed, can directly hold a popular vote of no confidence in the Legislature with a required 2/3rds majority for immediate passage, or via an appellant by them with a simple popular majority to the Congress and Imperator who likewise shall send ministers to audit its conduct.


The Executive of each state shall be vested in a single person.

This Governor shall be appointed by the Imperator and vetted by the Congress before assumption of their role and duties.

They serve for 10-year terms on good behavior in any state.

The people as needed can directly hold a popular vote of no confidence in the Governor with a required 2/3rds majority for immediate passage, or via an appellant by them with a simple popular majority to the Congress and Imperator who likewise shall send ministers to audit their conduct.


The States are at Liberty to carry out all actions in their territories that they are easily and freely able to personally administer to or oversee. All other actions that naturally fall beyond their abilities and boundaries shall automatically be undertaken by the Central Governance of the Whole Union and Empire. If the State assures the Central government that they are indeed capable yet prove incapable, for each week not delegating Jurisdiction fines and penalties shall be charged and placed as seen expedient and appropriate to the situation.


Community Governments


Each community and their people are free to establish an assembly structure as they see fit for their purposes.


Each community is free to establish (an) administrator(s) or executive(s) as they see fit for their purposes.


The Communities are at Liberty to carry out all actions in their territories that they are easily and freely able to personally administer to or oversee. All other actions that naturally fall beyond their abilities and boundaries shall automatically be undertaken by either the State in which they find their jurisdiction or the Central Governance of the Whole Union and Empire as deemed required. If the Community assures either the State or Central government that they are indeed capable yet prove incapable, for each week not delegating Jurisdiction fines and penalties shall be charged and placed as seen expedient and appropriate to the situation.


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